Remedial Mathematics Books Pdf Free 2024

Remedial Mathematics Books is a non-university subject of B Pharmacy course.

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Remedial Mathematics Books Pdf

Remedial Mathematics

Author’s NameSudhir Kumar Pundir
EditionsLatest Edition
PublishersAsian Books Private Limited

A Textbook of Remedial Mathematics ( PCI Books)

Author’s NameDr P. K. Sharma
EditionsFifth edition, 2019

Online Read Remedial Mathematics Book

✓ Partial fraction

• Splitting up a given fraction into simpler fractions is called a partial fraction. In this chapter, we study the methods of resolving a given fraction into a partial fraction.

• Any proper rational fraction f(x)/g(x) can be expressed as the rational fraction, each having a simple factor of g(x). Such types of fractions are called partial fractions and the process of obtaining them is called the resolution or decomposition of f(x)/g(x) into partial fractions.

✓ Logarithms

• Logarithms were invented in the 17th century as a calculation tool by John Napier. A logarithm is a mathematical operation that determines how many times a certain number, known as a base, is multiplied by itself to reach another number.

• Logarithm is the inverse operation of the exponentiation factors. The logarithm of any number y>0, to a given base a>0, and a#1 is the exponent (power) to which the base must be raised to equal the given number.

Thus, if ax=Y, then logaY=X.

✓ Function

• In this chapter we study a special type of relationship called functions. We can visualize a function as a rule that produces new elements out of some given elements.

• A relation f from a non-empty set A to a non-empty set B is said to be a function. If each element set A has one and only one image B. The function f from A to B is denoted by: A –> B

✓ Limits and continuity

• The limit of a function f(x) is said to be L at X=X0 if f(x) gets closer and closer to L as x moves closer and closer to X0.

• There are two ways X could approach several X0 either from the left or the right, i.e., all the values of X near X0 could to less or could be greater than X0. This naturally leads to two limits- the right-hand limit and the left-hand limit.

✓ Determinants

• Every square matrix can be associated with an expression or a number that is known as its determinant. Let, A=[aij] be a square matrix of order n, then the determinants of A are denoted by det (A).

• Applications of determinants to coordinate geometry are the Area of the triangle, Conditions for Collinearity of three points, and Equation of a line passing through two given points.

✓ Matrices

• Matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, functions, or symbols, arranged in columns and rows enclosed by a pair of brackets. The brackets sign is ( ), [ ], or || ||.

• The concept of the matrix was introduced by Arthur Carley in 1860. Today, it is an essential tool for the development of modern science and technology.

• Some applications of the matrices are chemical reactions kinetics, balancing of chemical equations, and chemical systems.

✓ Differentiation

• Differentiation is a process of finding the derivatives of a function at any point. The derivative is a concept that is at the root of the calculus.

• There are two ways of introducing this concept, one is the geometrical way (as the slope of a curve) and the second is the physical way (as the rate of change).

• Let y is a function of x i.e, y=f(x). Here x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable. Then the rate of changes of dependent variable y concerning independent variable x is denoted by dy/dx.

✓ Analytical Geometry

• Analytical Geometry is the study of geometry use of coordinate systems, also known as Cartesian geometry or Coordinate geometry. In the study, to locate the position of a point on a plane, we square a coordinate system.

• Let X’OX and Y’OY be two perpendicular lines intersecting at O. Let the lines X’OX and Y’OY represent the coordinates axes say X-axis and Y-axis.

✓ Straight Line

• A straight line is a curve such that all points of the line segments joining any two points on it lie on it. In analytical geometry, a line in the plane is often defined as the set of points whose coordinates satisfy given linear equations.

✓ Differential Equations

• A differential equation is an equation that involves dependent variables, independent variables, and the derivatives of the dependent variables.

• A differential equation is said to be linear if the dependent variable and all of its derivatives occur only in the first degree & are multiplied together.

✓ Laplace Transform

• Laplace transformation is a powerful mathematical tool to solve ordinary and partial differential equations with the given initial conditions, without the findings of general solution, and then evaluating arbitrary constants.

• A transformation is a mathematical device that converts one function to another function. For Laplace transformation of a function f(t);

f(t) —(Laplace transform)—> F(s), where f(t) input functions and F(s) output functions.

Q1. What is the meaning of remedial mathematics books?

Ans. Remedial mathematics can be defined as the intention to correct or improve skills in mathematics. Many institutions and universities offer remedial mathematics books in b pharmacy semester I course to compensate for their difficulties to learn economics.

Q2. Which book is best for learning maths?

Ans. Some of the best books for learning maths are listed below. Those books’ names are provided for knowledge and reference purposes.
• The Art and Craft of Problem-Solving by Paul Zeitz.
• Calculus by Spivak.
• Algebraic Graph Theory by Godsil and Royle.
• Algebra by IR.
• Group Theory by Rotman.
• A Course in Combinatorics by Van Lint and Wilson.
• A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory by Ireland and Rosen.
• Real Mathematical Analysis by Pugh.

Q3. What is remedial mathematics in B Pharm?

Ans. In Bachelor in Pharmacy (B Pharm) course, these subjects are taught in your 1st year first semester. It is okay to take these subjects by the University among rem maths and rem biology.

Q4. What is the purpose of the Remedial Mathematics Book?

Ans. A Textbook of B Pharmaceutical Mathematics gives the students educational opportunities for different abilities. The Remedial Maths textbook is a source of knowledge of mathematics for Pharmacy students.

Q5. What is the JNTUH Remedial Mathematics syllabus?

Ans. The remedial Mathematics Syllabus for Bachelor of Pharmacy JNTUH first year first sem is covered here.

Q6. What are the life skills and soft skills in Remedial Math?

Ans. Soft skills are used for those skills which are not technical or job-related. They include social skills, interpersonal skills, and a positive attitude. Life skills can define your relationships with other people, or how you approach life and work comparatively.

Q7. How to give feedback about remedial math teacher training that you have attended?

Ans. Feedback about remedial mathematics is based on naming what students are doing well along with their next steps. This may help build their confidence, utilize their strengths, and allow them to celebrate progress. So this is the way to establish timely and personalized feedback through conferring.

Q8. What are the Applications of the Remedial Mathematics in Pharmacy?

Ans. The remedial mathematics concepts are used in the career role such as addition and subtraction, fractions, weights, determining percentages, and even measurements. You must have better knowledge of math computation and a strong background in mathematics to ensure patients are receiving the correct dosage form of the medicines.

Q9. If I have failed to pass Remedial Mathematics until the 2nd year, am I able to take admitted in the 3rd year?

Ans. First of all, clarify the questions before going to get answers. You asked that remedial mathematics has in the 2nd year and after passing you take admission in the 3rd year! that is your wrong concept. In Pharmacy, a total of four years of Remedial Maths has only been in 1st Year, Semester I. This subject is not mandatory but you should pass for taking admission in Semester II. If you fail the remedial mathematics of the first semester, you will have to get up in the second semester and take the remedial mathematics test again in the second semester of all subjects to pass.

Q10. Is Remedial Mathematics Hard?

Ans. It is contextual questions. The answer is No. Here you have to do some portions of the parts that you have done in your higher secondary which are very easy.

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